
United Reformed Church

Become a Fairtrade church

We work with the Fairtrade Foundation to encourage our churches to become Fairtrade churches.

Faith groups are key supporters of Fairtrade making the connection between trade and poverty, and committing to using Fairtrade products including tea, coffee, sugar, biscuits, and much more.

Churches organise hundreds of events throughout the year – particularly during the annual Fairtrade Fortnight – as well as including prayers and readings about Fairtrade in their worship.

Why is Fairtrade important?

Fairtrade is a brilliant anti-poverty tool that treats people with dignity and brings justice and hope to those trapped by an unfair trading system. Fair and just prices to enable farmers and workers in the world’s poorest countries to feed their families and pay for schooling and healthcare.

Woman in a field picking leaves

Fairtrade offers producers:

  • a unique Fairtrade social premium to benefit the wider community through clean water, education, transport and more
  • environmental protection to care for God’s earth, farm sustainably and reduce the impacts of climate change
  • health and safety and business training to give opportunities to people to reach their potential

How to become a Fairtrade church

To become a Fairtrade Church, you need to register with the Fairtrade Foundation, and your church must commit to:

  • using Fairtrade products wherever possible (at least tea, coffee and sugar) and to share this information with congregants
  • celebrating Fairtrade Fortnight and integrate Fairtrade into the life of your place of worship through other faith-based holidays, sermons and services
  • engaging with other Fairtrade campaigns and connect with community groups, such as schools and towns, where possible

Register with the

Fairtrade Fortnight

Fairtrade Fortnight starts on 27 February and runs to 12 March 2023.

Visit the to find out how your church can get involved.

United Reformed Church