
United Reformed Church

Worship Notes

Worship Notes is a free resource for anyone who leads and plans worship. We offer prayers for Sunday Services, thoughts on the readings, and hymn suggestions.

Each issue of Worship Notes includes:

  • A call to worship
  • Prayers of approach, confession and a declaration/assurance of forgiveness
  • A prayer for illumination
  • An all-age activity or introduction
  • Readings and notes on these readings that could be built into a sermon
  • Prayers of intercessions
  • An offertory Introduction and prayer
  • A blessing
  • Hymn suggestions for local churches sourced from Rejoice and Sing, Church Hymnary 4, Singing the Faith and Combined Mission Praise.
Open Bible

Every month there will be at least one Holy Communion prayer and an Affirmation of Faith.

Intercessions for this week are included within the Worship Notes.

Worship Notes for September 2024

Worship notes for Sunday 22nd September have been prepared by the Revd Nigel Uden, Minister of Downing Place and Fulbrook լиs in Cambridgeshire.

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Nigel looks at the Mark passage focusing on the idea of the journey.

Worship notes for Sunday 29th September have been prepared by Jo Patterson a լи Church Related Community Worker serving at Copleston Church and Community Centre in Peckham.

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Jo looks at bravery as the link between the readings and focuses on the Esther and Mark readings.

Worship notes for Sunday 1st September have been prepared by the Revd Andy Braunston, Minister for Digital Worship

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Andy offers some thoughts on Song of Solomon, Psalm 45 and the Epistle of James for this first Sunday of Creationtide. He links to some new songs in the Church of Scotland's new hymnal supplement, some activities the լи Children and Youth team have developed and offers a Communion Prayer and Intercessions from the Anglican Church of New Zealand.

Worship notes for Sunday 8th September have been prepared by the Revd Martin Knight chaplain to the Brighthelm centre and Pioneer Minister to Brighton and Hove's LGBT+ communities.

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Martin thinks about justice and names and offers a compendium of resources, some drawn from the Iona Community, a range of hymns and an All Age Activity all based on the Lectionary readings for the day.

Worship Notes for Sunday 15th September were prepared by the Revd Sarah Moore, Transition Minister for the National Synod of Scotland and Clerk to General Assembly.

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Sarah goes off Lectionary to look at the encounter between Jesus and the woman at the well. Instead of focusing on the writer's (and the Church's) obsession with her domestic circumstances, Sarah looks at how the well is a place of meeting, an intimate place where people were brave, at where God is to be found - neither in Temple or mountain but in the enfleshed Word, and how Jesus used a despised Samaritan as an evangelist. Sarah suggests ways in which the Church could be both vulnerable and intimate. There's a range of prayers and hymns, an All Age activity from an online source, and some discussion starters to follow up the sermon.

Worship Notes for October 2024

Worship notes for Sunday 13th October have been prepared by the Revd Lindsey Sanderson, Moderator of the National Synod of Scotland

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Lindsey reflects on Jesus' words about camels and needles as she leads worship for Challenge Poverty Week.

Worship Notes for Sunday 20th October were prepared by the Revd Jonnie Hill, a minister in the East Cheshire and Derbyshire Missional Partnership in the North Western Synod.

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Jonnie focuses on the Job passage offered by the Lectionary; a passage that wrestles with why God allows suffering.

Worship notes for Sunday 27th October have been prepared by the Revd Mark Rodgers, a minister in the լи Shropshire pastorate

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Mark considers the story of Bartimaeaus.

Useful websites

Talking Absolute Worship

Talking Absolute Worship is a weekly panel discussion about how the week’s lectionary readings can inspire our preaching and worship-leading

Politics in the Pulpit is a lively discussion linking justice, current affairs and the Lectionary readings for the coming Sunday. Available as a podcast or video

United Reformed Church